Ceremony introduces new quarter in Guam

If the Guam quarter officially debuted across the International Date Line, when was it released?

If the Guam quarter officially debuted across the International Date Line, when was it released?

Whether you say June 3 in the United States or June 4 in Guam, a friendly crowd attended the Skinner Plaza ceremony in Hagatna as Gov. Felix Camacho, First Lady Joann Camacho and Mint Director Ed Moy introduced the new coin.

“Guam’s quarter is a lasting tribute to the history and rich cultural heritage of the Chamorro people,” Director Moy said.

This heritage was captured in a design by Mint Sculptor-Engraver Jim Licaretz. It shows an outline of the island, a flying proa (a seagoing craft built by the Chamorro people), a latte stone (an architectural element used as the base of homes) and the inscriptions GUAM and Guahan I Tanó ManChamorro (Guam – Land of the Chamorro), according to the Mint.

After the ceremony, which included the placement of an image of the quarter on a large map, Camacho and Moy gave away examples of the new Guam quarters to those 18 years old and younger.
Hundreds of adults waited in line for the opportunity to buy rolls of the new coins for the $10 face value.

Collectors have been able to buy the coins on the U.S. Mint’s Web site since May 26.

A two-roll set that includes 40 coins each from the Denver and Philadelphia Mints is $32.95. A 100-coin D-mint bags or P-mint bags are $32.95 each
For more information, visit the Web site at usmint.gov or order by telephone at (800) USA-MINT.
