Get the paper money CD before the book

If you’re like me, you appreciate the conveniences of technology. I can talk to my friends and family no matter where I am. I can even see my son, who…

If you’re like me, you appreciate the conveniences of technology.

I can talk to my friends and family no matter where I am. I can even see my son, who is studying in Uruguay, thanks to Skype. (Honey, please shave the beard.) I can keep in touch with my 85-year-old uncle who lives in Utah thanks to Facebook.

And, I can access the latest information on United States paper money values before the definitive annual reference is published.

Standard Catalog of United States Paper Money, 32nd Edition is set for release mid-August. The book is at the printer. But everything you’ll find in the book is available now on a CD.

The latest work of George Cuhaj and William Brandimore can be accessed on a CD that contains PDF files of the book, all in full color, searchable and with the ability to be enlarged 400 percent. It can also be downloaded to an iPhone or tablet. Pretty sweet.

So if you’re itching to get the latest information on U.S. paper money, check it out at  It’s only $24.99. You can always order the print copy for your library next month.

Ah, just got a Facebook message from Uncle Robert. He just got home from the gym. Yes, at 85 he walks 4 miles a day and lifts weights. He wants to pass along some heart-healthy nutrition advice; he's a retired doctor. Umm, I might be wise to listen to him.

Standard Catalog of U.S. Paper Money, 32nd Edition CD