This article was originally printed in Bank Note Reporter.
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By Nancy Wilson
It is always very nice when the U.S. treasurer is at one of the American Numismatic Association conventions that we attend. I always plan on being in line to get the Treasurer’s autograph on the current Federal Reserve Notes. At the recent Atlanta National Money Show I was in line for about an hour before the treasurer started her autograph session. I didn’t plan on purchasing a sheet, but when my husband John walked by, I told him I was number one in line for the treasurer’s signing. He said great and headed right over to the BEP booth and obtained a four-subject $100 sheet.
By the time of the actual signing of notes by the treasurer, the line had grown to over 50 people and continued to grow. Treasurer Rosie Rios was very willing to autograph and make sure everyone in line was taking care of—even staying well past the time allotted for her signing. When Rios autographs Federal Reserve Notes, she will sign two items per person. She will take your used money and give you new notes that have her engraved signature on them. Besides autographing them, they are placed in a special BEP folder.
This was the first day of issue for the sheets, and we figured that she possibly would place a number one designation on the sheet. With a number one designation, the sheet would be special and have historical value. Starting on Feb. 27, 2014 sales for the four-subject, eight-subject and 16-subject sheets were held online (at the BEP website) and at this convention.
John bought the sheet only minutes before she was to start autographing FRNs, souvenir cards and other items that were being sold at their booth. I handed her the sheet of notes for her to sign. She was very nice and signed all four notes on the sheet and placed a “No. 1” designation on the top note plus the date “2/27/14.” She was happy to do that for me.
I was thrilled that I received an autographed sheet that was signed by our U.S. treasurer. John took a photograph of the treasurer holding up the signed sheet with me looking on. This sheet will be a great addition to our paper money collection. It will be a day that John and I will always remember.
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• Strike it rich with this U.S. coins value pack.
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