Poll Question: Which numismatic shows, conventions, or events are you looking forward to this year? Why?
Most of those who answered the February 27, 2025, poll question seem to feel that “there’s no place like home.” But there’s always an outlier in every bunch.
I will just attend the local club shows.
KE, Germantown
I am looking forward to attending the annual coin show in Michigan the day after Thanksgiving. It is a great show, and I can find anything I am interested in purchasing for my collection.
Also, the show is only 1 1/2 hours from home.
Name and Address withheld
I am looking forward to attending the Central States Convention in Schaumburg, Ill. this April. Great show, this will be my second time attending.
May 9-10, in Stratford, Ontario, Canada, will be the Ontario Numismatic Association's 63rd Convention. I attend every year. Then, in July, I plan to jet off to Calgary, Alberta, Canada, for the RCNA Convention, Royal Canadian Numismatic Association, to celebrate their 75th! Come on out to Canadian shows; they are a lot of fun with wonderful people.
Cassidy Stroud, Address withheld
There are no big coin shows in lower Delaware, so I can’t look forward to any. If there are any small coin shows, they are poorly advertised, and I am not aware of them.
Ken, Delaware