Voecks’ Fox Valley Coin & Diamonds Etc.

As a small business, our customers are our biggest priority.

If we didn't have customers, we wouldn't be able to stay open. We have proven that over the last 50 years. We want our customers to be able to visit us after hours and also from the comfort of their homes. Of course, you won't get to work with our friendly staff but the Voecks' name is still behind the work. 

We are a 3-generation strong, family business with a tradition of serving the Fox Cities. Father & son, Fred & Fritz Voecks, officially started Fox Valley Coin in 1964, when Fritz graduated from High School. Both Fred and Fritz were avid coin collectors and part of the area coin collector shows. Before that time, Fred sold basic coin supplies and collector coins off the front porch of the family home while he was running the family meat market/grocery store in downtown Appleton, WI. Fred's younger son, Randy, also joined the family business after graduating High School.

Over time, the family has evolved in the coin industry; as well as developed off-shoot companies, but the core business has always been collector coins. During the late 1970's and early 1980's, the silver market went "sky high" and everyone was selling off coin silver, silver flatware, and jewelry. As was often the case, coin dealers were always "wheeler dealers, always buying, always selling...” so Fox Valley Coin started in the jewelry business from the buying of used jewelry. This is where our "niche" began and continues yet today. Over the years we have expanded into new jewelry as well as estate jewelry, we still pride ourselves as one of the area’s largest buyers of gold, silver and platinum in all forms.

Address: 103 East Kimberly Avenue Kimberly, WI 54136  Phone: (920) 731-5451

Web site: foxvcoin.com