CCAC Seeks New Member

The Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee is looking to add a numismatics expert.

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The United States Mint announced on Oct. 18 that it is seeking applicants for an appointment to the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee (CCAC). This member will be specially qualified to serve on the committee by virtue of their education, training, or experience in numismatics.

The deadline to email submissions is no later than 5 p.m. EST on Dec. 11. The Mint will review all applications and forward recommendations to the Secretary of the Treasury for consideration.

The CCAC advises the Secretary of the Treasury on theme or design proposals relating to circulating coinage, bullion coinage, Congressional gold medals, and other medals produced by the United States Mint. The CCAC also makes commemorative coin recommendations to the Secretary and advises on the events, persons, or places to be commemorated, as well as on the mintage levels and proposed designs. It is subject to the authority of the Secretary of the Treasury. The United States Mint is responsible for providing necessary and appropriate administrative support, technical services, and advice.

The committee is composed of 11 members — one specially qualified in numismatic collection curation, one specially qualified in the medallic arts or sculpture, one specially qualified in American history, one specially qualified in numismatics, three individuals representing the interests of the general public, and four individuals recommended by the leadership of both the United States House of Representatives and United States Senate.

Members are appointed for a term of four years. No individual may be appointed to the CCAC while serving as an officer or employee of the Federal Government, and all applicants must be United States citizens. CCAC members are Special Government Employees and are, therefore, subject to various applicable conflict of interest laws and ethics regulations.

Individuals wishing to be considered for appointment to the CCAC should submit a resume or curriculum vitae along with a cover letter describing their reasons for seeking appointment and detailing their specific education, training, or experience by email to, Attn: Jennifer Warren.