Morgan, Peace Dollars Suspended

U.S. Mint cites silver shortages as the reason for the postponement.

There will be no silver Morgan and Peace dollars in 2022.

The news came in a March 14 press release from the U.S. Mint, headlined, "United States Mint Announces Pause in Production and Sales of Morgan and Peace Dollars for 2022, Popular Historic Program Will Return in 2023." 

It cites silver shortages as the reason for the postponement. 

Following is the press release:

The United States Mint (Mint) today announced it will forgo the production and sales of Morgan and Peace Silver Dollars in 2022. This calculated pause is directly related to the global pandemic’s impact upon the availability of silver blanks from the Mint’s suppliers. The suspension will give the Mint time to evaluate the best way to allocate our limited supply of silver to ensure the best customer experience we can.

“We’ll be required to make business decisions like this until the supply chain for silver blanks recovers from the disruptions caused by COVID-19,” said Mint Deputy Director Ventris C. Gibson.

“I want to ensure that our customers know,” she said, “that the modern renditions of the historic Morgan and Peace Silver Dollars will continue next year. Our goal is straightforward: to give our loyal customers the products they want and the service they deserve.”

Please visit the Mint’s 2022 Product Schedule at